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幼彪夭折/專家:異種繁殖 不該鼓勵!

更新日期:2010/08/22 08:17 記者林順良/屏東縣報導


裴 家騏就野生動物保育角度來看獅虎雜交,產下小彪寶寶,他覺得這種不是經過大自然洗禮所產下的動物,都沒有好下場。五年前,收容中心曾收容一隻遭飼主遺棄的 廿歲大公彪,就因為遺傳缺少控制體重的基因,不斷長大,長成巨大身軀,深受關節疾病所苦。「在自然界中,幾乎看不到獅子與老虎的雜交種」,裴家騏說,在大 自然的洗禮下,就是看不到這種透過人為因素去培育的雜交種。就像「白老虎」,只有少部分是自然產生的白子,但大部分白老虎都是近親交配而來,「我們人類都不鼓勵近親婚姻,為何要讓動物去承擔?」公彪寶寶死後,照護員期待大家共同關心母彪寶寶。屏科大保育類野生動物收容中心網 http://ptrc.npust.edu.tw/。

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編輯 Gene 報導


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編輯 John C. H. Chen 報導


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Long-term relationships between ecological stability and biodiversity in Phanerozoic reefs

Wolfgang Kiessling


Although the oceans cover 70% of the Earth's surface, our knowledge of biodiversity patterns in marine phytoplankton and zooplankton is very limited compared to that of the biodiversity of plants and herbivores in the terrestrial world. Here, we present biodiversity data for marine plankton assemblages from different areas of the world ocean. Similar to terrestrial vegetation, marine phytoplankton diversity is a unimodal function of phytoplankton biomass, with maximum diversity at intermediate levels of phytoplankton biomass and minimum diversity during massive blooms. Contrary to expectation, we did not find a relation between phytoplankton diversity and zooplankton diversity. Zooplankton diversity is a unimodal function of zooplankton biomass. Most strikingly, these marine biodiversity patterns show a worldwide consistency, despite obvious differences in environmental conditions of the various oceanographic regions. These findings may serve as a new benchmark in the search for global biodiversity patterns of plants and herbivores.

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果蠅的變性手術Courtship in the genes

Male-specific fruitless specifies the neural substrates of Drosophila courtship behaviour

在求偶過程中,雄性果蠅會根據特定的感官提示表現出一系列先天性的有固有套路的行為。現在,主管這一行為的神經細胞群已經被識別出來。使這些神經細胞失去活性,足以使雄性果蠅對交配失去興趣;而改變雌性果蠅的大腦、使其產生這些細胞所產生的同樣蛋白,會使雌性果蠅表現出雄性果蠅特有的求偶行為。這些神經細胞產生一組被稱為FruM的蛋白,由無果基因fru)編碼,後者以前曾被發現與雄性果蠅的求偶有關。使產生FruM的神經細胞失去活性,會抑制求偶行為,但不會改變果蠅行為的其他方面。操縱雌性果蠅的神經細胞使其產生FruM,足以使它們把其他雌性果蠅當成潛在交配物件。(Letter p. 395; News and Views

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但是看來iPad和魔鬼沾相當適合在一起阿 >////<

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  • Mar 21 Sun 2010 21:38
  • GenGIS




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Science 5 March 2010:
Vol. 327. no. 5970, pp. 1214 - 1218
DOI: 10.1126/science.1177265

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Remote triggering of fault-strength changes on the San Andreas fault at Parkfield

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唸數字沒邏輯 德鼓吹學華人


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Genomic Dissection of Population Substructure of Han Chinese and Its Implication in Association Studies


To date, most genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and studies of fine-scale population structure have been conducted primarily on Europeans. Han Chinese, the largest ethnic group in the world, composing 20% of the entire global human population, is largely underrepresented in such studies. A well-recognized challenge is the fact that population structure can cause spurious associations in GWAS. In this study, we examined population substructures in a diverse set of over 1700 Han Chinese samples collected from 26 regions across China, each genotyped at ∼160K single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Our results showed that the Han Chinese population is intricately substructured, with the main observed clusters corresponding roughly to northern Han, central Han, and southern Han. However, simulated case-control studies showed that genetic differentiation among these clusters, although very small (FST = 0.0002 ∼0.0009), is sufficient to lead to an inflated rate of false-positive results even when the sample size is moderate. The top two SNPs with the greatest frequency differences between the northern Han and southern Han clusters (FST > 0.06) were found in the FADS2 gene, which associates with the fatty acid composition in phospholipids, and in the HLA complex P5 gene (HCP5), which associates with HIV infection, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) showed that most differentiated genes among clusters are involved in cardiac arteriopathy (p < 10−101). These signals indicating significant differences among Han Chinese subpopulations should be carefully explained in case they are also detected in association studies, especially when sample sources are diverse.


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  • Nov 11 Wed 2009 17:27
  • 洪蘭




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Applications are currently being accepted for October 2010 commencement with the Doctoral Training Centre’s three programmes: Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre; Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre; and Systems Approaches to Biomedical Science Industrial Doctorate Centre.


These 4-year DPhil (PhD) programmes provide comprehensive training in interdisciplinary fields and facilitate leading edge research.

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